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Queenstown // Winter Wedding at Kamana Lakehouse

Queenstown turned on a stunner of a day for Bridget and Stuart 🥰

It was still a heck of a lot cold than what they had originally planned - a destination wedding in Thailand!

Deciding to still go ahead, they had their closest NZ friends & family there - with Stuart’s family watching in on zoom from Scotland. It was a really fun, laid back and intimate day!

We went on a mission to Moke Lake to do photos and the road was just sludge. But, that did mean a sprinkling of snow left on the ground and a dramatic backdrop!

Shout out to the awesome team of vendors behind this stunning day:

Make Up: Eve Beauty

Cake: Helen Rodgers (Bridgets Mum 😊)

Queenstown winter wedding at Kamana Lakehouse

Queenstown winter wedding at Kamana Lakehouse

Queenstown winter wedding at Kamana Lakehouse

Queenstown winter wedding at Kamana Lakehouse

Queenstown winter wedding at Kamana Lakehouse

Queenstown winter wedding at Kamana Lakehouse

Queenstown winter wedding at Kamana Lakehouse


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